Monday, April 20, 2009

Bong babu

My every morning starts with a tightly packed schedule.. All timed activities-6:15 am -bath, 7 am - breakfast, 7:20 am-board the cab! huh! Quite tiring to start the day this way!

But the bus journey has been the most memorable part of my day. Amazing set of people- each one entertaining in his/her own way! One special character is rocking!
This Bong babu boards the bus a lil while after i do. He brings a smile on my face every time i see him :) He waves his hand at our driver everyday indicating him to stop the bus and runs in his very wierd and sluggish manner to climb on to the bus. I am sure all the people standing at his stop have a moment of laughter looking at him! His feminine walking style, his body language and his accent (LOL) everything is just awesome to make you laugh !
I heard him talk to his "anthropophobic" friend which inspired me to pen some things abt this interesting soul! He says, her being anthropophobic is a reason for her to discover if she is a "cat person or a dog person"!! (LOLZ) And she says she is a human! (She tot he was asking if she is a cat or dog herself! lol..)  Then the discussion went to the level of drowning her in drinks so that she has some blissful time away from this world of humans, cats and dogs .. heehee..

So, Zero G, H20, Pub world etc names came out.. I was tickled when i heard him say he is a "party animal" (y is he behind cats/dogs/animals ???) and that he rocks the dance floor! (I am dying to see him dance.. lol...) I thought - his walking is only so amusing.. wonder how the dancing prolly is like!

I had laughed so much by now that anything further he had uttered.. gosh! i would go upto him n say "Dude, u r a rock star! and an amazing comedian... " Lolz...
But yeah, the girl i mean his frnd left .. dunno y - maybe her stop came or she was now a bong-babu-phobic !!

Some of my readers are sure to guess the name of this amazingly entertaining character! Any guesses?? ;)


Kavita Sunku said...

hope this bong babu has read ur blog?? :D

Raj said...

Is it Anindya Gupta?

Archana said...


Names not to be disclosed here ;)

Raj said...

Oops... I'm sorry.

@All - Please dont read my previous post.

@Arch - I'm looking for a "dual core" processor Desktop. Please let me know if you come accross some good deals. Thanks.

Archana said...

Raj, this is heights!! :D But, yeah, typical of u